This space was created as an organized way to answer the many questions I receive about the power exchange (BDSM/kink) lifestyle that I live, my experiences along my journey, and a hundred other things that I get asked. My biggest fetish will always be seeing others fall deeper in love with their own fetishes, and I've received an overwhelming feedback that my stories that I share during the socials, support groups, and events that I host have helped them. This will also provide a place for me to write about my experiences along my journey to better understand myself.
I’ll post these blogs as frequently as I can and link them to the Wolfspirit social media accounts. I invite anyone to ask a serious, well thought out question. Those that don't will not be answered. If you want to remain anonymous, please say so in your question. Check below to see if your question may have already been answered, and if it has not click on the button below and submit yours!